Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Parable

A young man is walking the riverbank with a wise teacher. They are contemplating the nature of things. Suddenly, the young man is interrupted by the cries of a person, thrashing about in the river! Naturally, the young man dives in and brings the person to shore. Not 50 paces later, another person comes down the river, screaming for help! Again, the young man saves this person as well. Again it happens! And again!
By this time the young man is exhausted by saving all of these people. He is also very confused by this so-called teacher of his as he is in the river saving yet another person, while he looks to see his teacher, with his back turned walking up the river embankment. He yells out, “Why aren’t you helping me save all of these people?”
The wise teacher calmly reply’s back to his young student, “I am going to see why they are all falling in the river in the first place.”

This parable is shared in most medical schools – and is has to do with treating the cause, rather than the effects. It is a story that transformed a cardiothoracic surgeon’s life. He grew tired of saving people after living lives where they failed to take care of themselves. He realized that instead of their bodies malfunctioning, their body was just doing the best it could to adapt to accumulated decades of stress and the environment it was subjected to. He now is committed to spreading the message of wellness: eating better, exercising, and thinking better. He deals with the CAUSE rather than the EFFECTS!

That’s the WHY behind what we do at Elevation Now, PC . . .
– to serve YOU in living the best life you can live!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


According to the World Health Organization, the United States ranks 72nd among industrialized nations in overall health. Which leads us to the question: do we really even have a health care system OR do we have a SICK CARE system? Nearly 50% of our population can claim they have a chronic dis-ease/condition! What does that mean? It means that most Americans wait until they have a full-blown crisis to do anything about their health.
A colleague who is now a college President surveyed all of his patients on their first visit to his office. He asked: “What is your number one priority in your life?” 99% of people responded with one of the following: family, career, or faith. He would then ask them, “If you didn’t have your health, what then would be your number one priority?”
If health is our number one priority when we don’t have it, then why not make it our number one priority when we DO have it? Why wait until we are in a full-blown crisis? The top 3 killers WORLDWIDE (heart disease, cancer, diabetes) are ALL preventable and in most cases reversible with LIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS!!!
So what’s our plea? TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, AND WORK WITH US OVER TIME TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFESTYLE TO LIVE THE GREATEST, BEST, LONGEST LIFE YOU CAN IMAGINE!!! How do you achieve this? Ask questions about your; chiropractic care, nutrition, fitness, and mind-body Wellness, and everything will fall into place!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Zone of Comfort/ Zone of Growth

It has been said that intelligence grows by moving from the known to the unknown referring back to the known. We in other words like to eek out of our comfort zones ever so slightly to gain a glimpse as to what lies on the other side, while keeping one foot within our “zone of comfort.”
Nothing new will ever come from our “zone of comfort.” We must consistently take small steps outside our “zone of comfort,” into our “zone of growth” for our intelligence to grow and love of life to perpetuate!
Most of us love to think that somewhere inside of us we’re adventurous, but our “adventure” consists of living it vicariously through other means – TV/ Movies, etc… all in the comfort of our chair/ sofa.
Wow, so what’s the lesson here? If you want something to change – you must do something differently. If you want your health to improve, your relationships to improve, your finances to improve, your knowledge to improve, your societal network to improve, you must be the one that makes the change. Sitting in your “zone of comfort” and complaining will only lead to finding more reasons to complain and more reasons to find blame. You can’t expect the world to change while you sit back and observe!
So suit up ladies and gentlemen and live the REAL adventure – outside of your “zone of comfort.” Your health, your ideal relationships, your ideal finances, your ideal Life awaits you just a step outside your comfort zone.
We are here to help give you a little nudge!
“Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It’s too high! COME TO THE EDGE! And they came, and he pushed, and they flew.” –Christopher Logue

Friday, February 5, 2010

LDL Cholesterol & You

Nearly 50% of patients with Coronary Artery Disease were found to have LDL Cholesterol readings in the normal range.

Re-read that statement & Think about that for a minute.

Here’s the Drug Companies response:

Another statistic: 40% of Americans on LDL lowering drugs quit after approximately one year of use wondering why they’re on these drugs.

Do you think there might be another way??

IT’S ALL ABOUT LIFESTYLE! & IT’S ABOUT A WHOLE LOT MORE THAN JUST ONE NUMBER (LDL cholesterol). What about stress, lack of exercise, and poor dietary choices!
Let’s wake up our fellow Americans with the FACTS!